The Real Game and The Be Real Game
The Real Game is an award-winning financial literacy program that helps students build 21st-century skills like budgeting, working with others, and managing change. There are two versions: a middle school version (The Real Game) and a high school version (The Be Real Game). Both programs are designed to allow students to role-play young adult characters and learn how to plan their lives given a particular career choice and setbacks. Careers are assigned to middle school students (only one per student) and chosen in the high school version (more than one student per role).
For both versions, classes are set up by a teacher/counselor at the school and the same URL is used for both facilitator and student login (called “zones”). Student usernames and passwords are automatically generated when facilitators add students, and the logins must then be distributed in class.
Students access The Real Game at
Students access The Be Real Game at