Portfolio Completion Reports
Portfolio Completion Standards allow you to set the criteria students are required to meet to complete their My Plan portfolios. Different completion standards can be set for each grade level, allowing the use of this feature for a single course, for graduation requirements, or to implement a progressive system where students complete more sections of their plans as they advance through school.
More information:
Setting Up Completion Standards (U.S. version)
Setting Up Completion Standards (Canadian version)
Portfolio Completion Reports
Portfolio Completion Status Reports track how students are progressing towards meeting your school or district's Portfolio Completion Standards. To access these reports:
- From the Advisor Homepage, click Completion Reports.
- Select the report you'd like to view. There are five reports to help you track portfolio completion at your school:
Portfolio Completion Status Snapshot provides an overview of portfolio completion at your school by grade.
Portfolio Completion Status By Student is organized by student and shows you which components each student has completed. Select the grade and, if desired, the completion level and/or advisor to generate the alphabetized report.
Incomplete Portfolios By Criteria shows you how many students have not completed each requirement. You can click the number of students to see which students have not completed a particular requirement.
Complete Portfolios By Criteria shows the number of students who have completed each requirement. You can click on the number to see which students have completed a particular requirement.
View Portfolio Completion Standards allows you to quickly and easily review your school’s Portfolio Completion Standards.
Note: You can also export Portfolio Completion Status Reports for accountability purposes. Learn More >