Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus is easily integrated with Career Cruising!
- Automated exports to Career Cruising via secure SFTP. Student data is delivered on a scheduled basis to Career Cruising for seamless integration with a district.
- The import functionality is a user interface within Infinite Campus that imports course requests and creates a log file of results with any errors encountered.
- The cost is $500 per year per district. This is billed directly from Infinite Campus.
Setting Up Infinite Campus Integration
- Submit a Support Case.
- Put "Career Cruising Data Import/Export” in the subject line.
- Inside the Support Case, include “Career Cruising data exchange, route to custom development.”
- Once the support request has been received, Infinite Campus will install the module and link it to Career Cruising SFTP servers.
- Your Onboarding Manager will provide you with the SFTP access information that can be shared with Infinite Campus to finalize the setup.
- Import / Export Instructions