How do Advisors invite parents/guardians to use the Parent Portal?

There are two ways to invite parents/guardians to join the Parent Portal: by getting the student to invite the parent or by creating activation codes in CAMS and sending a letter home with instructions.

To create parent activation codes:

  1. From your Advisor Homepage, click Manage Parent Accounts.
  2. Click Create Parent/Guardian Activation Codes.
  3. You have the option to create codes for either a specific group of students (proceed to Step 4) or for students who don’t have an activation code. The latter option is more common – to complete, click Create activation codes for these students. You’ll receive a notification with the message The new activation codes have been created. Would you like to create Welcome Letters for these parents/guardians now? Click Yes and skip to Step 8.
  4. To create codes for a specific list of students, click Create for a single student or a group of students.
  5. Input your Search Criteria (e.g. Grade 10) and click Submit to see a list of students.
  6. Select each student you want to create a Parent/Guardian Activation Code for and click Submit. You may find it easier to Select All and deselect any students you do not want included.
  7. You’ll receive a notification The new activation codes have been created. Would you like to create Welcome Letters for these parents/guardians now? Click Yes.
  8. A page will load with a letter created for each parent, including their unique activation code and instructions on how to use it. Choose Print from your browser or, if you want to edit the content, copy and paste the letter text into Microsoft Word and make changes.

To create parent invitation letters from existing access codes:

  1. From your Advisor Homepage, click Manage Parent Accounts.
  2. Click Mass Print Parent/Guardian Access Letters.
  3. Enter the criteria for students you want to print parent letters for (e.g. Grade 10), or leave blank to view all students who have codes created. Click Submit.
  4. Search results will be grouped in lists of 25 students, sorted by last name. Click the group number (e.g. 0-25) to view the Parent Letters in that name range.
  5. A page will load with a letter created for each parent, including their unique activation code and instructions on how to use it. Choose Print from your browser or, if you want to edit the content, copy and paste the letter text into Microsoft Word and make changes. 

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