How do I assign or un-assign students to an Advisor?

Assigning students to Advisors in the Career Advisor Management System (CAMS) provides flexibility for the Advisors to view only certain students in reports and student lists.

To assign students individually or in bulk to an Advisor:

  1. From your Advisor Homepage, find the Assign Students to an Advisor menu under Student Administration.
  2. Select the Advisor's name from the drop-down menu.
  3. On the next page, generate a list of students to assign from. You can do this by Alphabetical Range (last name), Grade Level, Currently Assigned To*, or Group. Use as many fields as needed and click View List.
  4. From the generated list, select all the students you want to assign to the Advisor. Click Save Assignments at the top or bottom of the list. You may find it useful to choose Select All and manually deselect the students you do not want to assign.
  5. Review the list of students you've selected and either Edit List and repeat steps 3-5, or click Confirm. The page will reload to your Advisor Homepage and your assignments will be saved.

*Students can be assigned to multiple Advisors within Career Cruising. Adding them to one Assigned list will not remove them from another Advisor's list. Please see instructions on viewing which Advisors students have been assigned to.

To remove a student from an Advisor's list either individually or in bulk:

  1. From your Advisor Homepage, under Unassign Students from an Advisor, select the Advisor's name.
  2. From the generated list, select all the students you want unassigned from the Advisor. Click Save Assignments at the top or bottom of the list. You may find it useful to choose Select All and manually deselect the students you want to keep assigned to the Advisor.
  3. Review the list of students you've selected, and either Edit List and repeat step 2, or click Confirm. The page will reload to your Advisor Homepage and your changes will be saved.

Note: Grade level changes will not affect Advisor assignments.

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