Getting Started (Timed Activities)
If you're looking to use Career Cruising for K-12 with your students, but have limited time, review the suggestions below to find ways to make the most of the program. The classroom activities that are highlighted below can be found by clicking on Help in the top menu, and then selecting Classroom Activities and Research Projects from the menu. They can also be found in the Career Advisor Management System (CAMS) by clicking the Helpful Documents button on the Advisor Homepage and selecting Classroom Activities.
10-minute activities
- Search for a career using the keyword search and review the career profile
- Review the Careers section and Occupation Profiles
- Search for a school of interest – perhaps the local college or university – in the Education section and review the profile and program available
30-minute activities
- Have students set up or log into their My Plan account and complete the Learning Styles Inventory; if time permits, complete Classroom Activity #14 (Learning Styles)
- Have students set up or log in to their My Plan account and document their hobbies and interests, extracurricular activities, and skills
- Have students set up or log in to their My Plan account and complete the Career Selector, along with Classroom Activity #5 (Using Career Selector)
- Have students set up or log in to their My Plan account and complete the School Selector
- Have students set up or log into their My Plan account and complete the Financial Aid Selector
- Complete any of the classroom activities below found in the Help section in the top menu of the program
Activity #1 – School Subjects & Careers
Activity #2 – Using School Subjects in the Workplace
Activity #6 – Comparing Careers
Activity #7 – Career Cluster Research Project
Activity #12 – College Research Exercise
Activity #13 – Finding The Right College
Activity #15 – Why Study This? A Cross-Curricular Game
1-hour activities
- Have students set up or log into their My Plan account and complete Career Matchmaker along with Classroom Activity #3 (Using Career Matchmaker) and/or Classroom Activity #4 (Your Career Ideas & Career Matchmaker)
- Have students set up or log in to their My Plan account and build their resume using tips from the Employment Guide
- Have students research a career of interest and prepare a pamphlet, PowerPoint, or report
- Have students review the Interview Skills section of the Employment Guide and practice interviewing each other using the Interview Evaluation Worksheet