My Plan

My Plan lets students create an online portfolio to keep track of career development activities and develop a future readiness plan. Most of the sections in My Plan can be enabled and disabled by administrators using the Career Advisor Management System (CAMS); this means some students may not have access to all features.

In this article

Overview of My Plan
My Careers
My Education
My Scholarships & Financial Aid (U.S. version)
My Course Plan
My Goals & Plans
My Activities & Experiences
My Assignments & Activities
My Journal
My Advisement Log
Share My Plan
Print my Plan

Overview of My Plan

My Progress is a bar that tracks the progress made towards fulfilling completion requirements put in place at the school or district level. Click the View Details link to see what required tasks are completed and outstanding.

My Assessments lets students save results of Matchmaker, My Skills, Ability Profiler, and Learning Styles Inventory assessments, as well as other assessments taken outside of Career Cruising (for example, SAT and ACT tests). Students can also re-take Career Cruising assessments from this section.

My Careers

My Saved Careers includes a list of careers students have saved to My Plan while using the features in the Career section, including a notes section they can use to explain why they’ve saved a career or ideas for further exploration.

My Saved Clusters includes the career clusters students are interested in, including a comments section. Click a cluster title to view a list of occupation profiles that belong in that cluster or review clusters recommended in Matchmaker.

Career Selector Results shows a student’s saved Career Selector results. Students can return to their most recent saved session to review or change criteria to help them explore occupations that suit their preferences.

My Education

My Saved Schools includes a list of all schools students have saved while using the features in the Education section, including a notes section they can use to record why they’ve saved a school or ideas for further exploration.

My Saved Majors (U.S. version) includes academic or vocational training programs students have saved. If students haven’t saved any majors, they can link to the Education section to look for suitable programs. Students can also search for majors related to their saved careers.

School Selector Results (U.S. version) shows students’ saved School Selector results. Students can return to saved sessions to review or change the criteria they’ve selected, or access other School Selectors that can help them find colleges, technical schools, or graduate schools.

Education History lets students record their educational experiences, including schools attended, grade level completed, degrees awarded, dates attended, and more.

My Scholarships & Financial Aid (U.S. version)

My Saved Scholarships includes scholarships and other financial aid programs students have saved. Click the name of a scholarship to view details about that award, or link to the Financial Aid section (U.S. version) to research scholarships and awards.

Financial Aid Selector Results shows saved results from previous Financial Aid Selector sessions.

My Course Plan

If a student’s school completes course selection through Career Cruising for K-12, they'll be able to make selections from their school’s course calendar and view prerequisite information and graduation requirements to create a 4-year high school plan related to their goals and interests. As students complete courses, they can view their final grades. Students may view their entire course plan and print it at any time.

If a student’s school does not complete course selection through Career Cruising for K-12, students can still use the Education Plan section to create a 4-year plan. To add a course to their plan, students enter the course name, number of credits, course length, and indicate whether or not the course is required.

My Goals & Plans

Career & Life Goals provides students with two large text fields: one for maintaining a list of their short-term goals and one for maintaining a list of their long-term goals.

Post-Secondary Plan helps students organize their career and education plans. This page includes three subsections: Career Goals, Educational Goals, and Financial Plans. The Career Goals section includes space for students to indicate their top two preferred clusters and top three careers of interest. The Educational Goals section includes a place for students to record the type of post-secondary education and training they plan to complete and the three schools they’re most interested in attending. In the Financial Plans section, students can check off the sources of funding they intend to use to pay for their education. 

Career Planning Activities allows students to document their career planning activities (field trips, career fairs, job shadowing, etc.). For each activity, students can record a description, the dates the activity took place, and the name of the event or organization. Students can also attach any files related to the activity.

My Activities & Experiences

Extracurricular Activities lets students keep track of their extracurricular activities by selecting from a list or adding their own. For each activity selected or entered, students can record the time period of their involvement, add a description of the activity, and attach related files.

Hobbies & Interests lets students maintain a list of their hobbies and interests by selecting from a list or adding their own. For each hobby selected or entered, students add notes and attach related files.

Skills & Abilities lets students select and enter their skills and abilities in three areas: attributes, computer skills, and language skills. Students can also add notes and attach related files.

Awards & Certificates allows students to keep track of any awards and recognition they receive. For each award or certificate entered, they record the name, date, and description. Students can also attach related files.

Volunteer Experience lets students keep track of any volunteering they do. For each volunteer position held, they can record the position title, name of volunteer organization, location, start and end date, number of hours volunteered, description of the work, and the name of a reference or supervisor. Students can also attach related files.

Work Experience lets students maintain a detailed employment history. For each job they’ve held, students can record the job title, name of employer, location of employer, start and end date, description of the work, and the name of a reference or supervisor. Students can also attach related files.

My Assignments & Activities

In this section, students can view the activities that advisors have assigned to them through the Career Advisor Management System (CAMS). Students can click an assignment name to view details about the activity and upload related documents from their computer or from the My Files section of My Plan.

My Journal

My Journal allows students to keep a log of their thoughts about career and educational goals and plans. The space can be used to describe their interests, achievements, aspirations, and reflections on what they can do to reach their goals.

My Advisement Log

Advisors and counselors can create an Advisement Log for each student to track his or her advisement program over time. Students can view their assigned Advisors and advisement activities in this section, but they cannot add or edit entries.

Suggested Links includes helpful websites that have been added to students' My Plan accounts by teachers, counselors, and career advisors.

Important Documents includes documents and forms that have been added to students' My Plan accounts by teachers, counselors, and other Advisors.

My Links lets students save websites they find helpful for future career exploration and My Plan development.

My Files lets students save electronic files (essays, scanned artwork, letters of reference, photographs, etc.) to My Plan. Files uploaded to specific sections of a student’s My Plan (e.g. work experiences, volunteer experiences, etc.) will also appear in this section.

Share My Plan

Students can invite parents and guardians to view the work saved in their My Plan portfolio by sending them an invitation and activation code to create a Parent Portal account. Students can also invite other individuals to view selected sections of their portfolio; for example, with college admissions offices, organizations offering scholarships, or potential employers. Learn More >

Print My Plan

The Print My Plan option lets students identify the specific sections of their My Plan they want to print. A printer-friendly report including only these sections is then generated for printing by using the browser’s print option.

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