What are the technical and browser requirements for Spark?

There are some settings that we recommend to maximize our site’s performance and to help avoid potential technical issues with the Spark! program.


Browser Compatibility Versions

Windows Browsers Mac Browsers Tablet Browsers / Chromebooks
  • Chrome 60 and higher
  • Firefox 52 and higher
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Chrome 60 and higher
  • Firefox 52 and higher
  • Safari 10 and higher
  • Chromebook with Chrome 60 and higher
  • Safari on iPad version 3 and newer *
  • iPad app available through the  iTunes store *
  • Latest version of the Chrome browser for Android *
*iPad requires iOS 9+ and Android requires 6.0.1+ to support TLS 1.2 security.


Browser Settings for K-2 and 3-5

  • JavaScript must be enabled
  • Set to check for new versions of pages automatically
  • First party cookies must be enabled
  • Private Browsing must be turned off on the iPad

System Settings for K-2 and 3-5

  • Proxy servers must not cache pages from:
  • DNS entries for the following pages must not be cached:
  • Network firewalls should include the following as trusted sites:

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