How do I set up the Library auto-login?

Libraries and other centers can set up an auto-login link from their website for clients to use either on the site's network or at home. To get started, you'll need to send an auto-login request to our Client Support team ( with the following details:

1. Type of Authentication Set-Up

  • Internal IP Authentication Only (access from within the Library Only)
  • External Authentication allowed (access from any computer, including within the Library).

Note: If your site has its own authentication page you can append our link so that your users do not have to go through two authentication pages. Please include test account login credentials in the set-up request.

2. External IP Address Ranges
When providing us with your IP ranges, please make sure it's the external IP that will be recognized by web servers and not internal IPs. For example, IPs with the following ranges would not be recognized by our web server: 10.xx.xx.xx, 172.16.xx.xx - 172.32.xx.xx, and 192.168.xx.xx.

3. Full URL Where Auto-Login Link Will Be Posted and HTTPS Status
In order for the auto-login page on our end to be able to retrieve correct referrer values, both (your page and our auto-login page) should be http or both should be https.

4. Library Card Prefix Numbers
The series of numbers which appear at the beginning of all of your client's library cards.

If you're using EZ proxy, please include this information in your request, as you may require further instructions for set up.

Setting Up the Auto-Login Link

The auto-login url to use on your website is

To use our brand logo to link on your site, please click here.

If you are having any issues with the auto-login process, please feel free to contact our Client Support  (  Include the following details:

  • Current full list of IP ranges
  • URL of page where Career Cruising auto-login link is located.
  • Any proxy server details.
  • Test account for own authentication if applicable.

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