Career Cruising for K-12 Overview

Career Cruising for K-12 is a web-based self-exploration and planning program that includes interactive learning games, skill and career assessments, 4-year planning tools, post-secondary school and job market information, exploration activities, an employment guide, and more. The My Plan digital portfolio allows students to document each stage of their career exploration process, think critically about their options, and build an individualized future readiness plan.

In this article

Who is Career Cruising for?
Logging In
Technical and Browser Requirements
Viewing Sound and Video Clips
Links to Other Websites

Who is Career Cruising for?

  • Elementary school students learning about themselves and the different roles people have in the world of work (see the Spark! section).
  • Middle school students starting to discover career options and the relationship between school work and the working world.
  • High school students in the 9th and 10th grades investigating occupations and planning for the future.
  • High school students in the 11th and 12th grades making decisions about post-secondary education, skills training, and employment.
  • College and university students learning about careers related to their field of study.
  • Adults beginning a work search or considering a career change.

Career Cruising for K-12 starts with an elementary program called Spark!, which integrates beginner-level career education into the classroom. Once students enter 6th grade, the program consists of six main sections, each with a set of tools:

Financial Aid (U.S. version)
My Plan

Each of these sections can be accessed from Career Cruising’s main page after logging in, or by clicking the appropriate link in the menu bar that appears along the top of every page in the program. Combined, these sections help satisfy five key career guidance needs: self-assessment, career exploration, post-secondary education planning, work search, and portfolio development.

Logging In

To log into Career Cruising for K-12, students go to and type in their assigned username and password. If they've forgotten their username or password, they can click Forgot Password? or contact a counselor or site administrator. Educators can log in and demo the program by following these steps.

To log into the administrative side of the program (CAMS), go to

Technical and Browser Requirements

Career Cruising for K-12 is an entirely web-based program that supports Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and default Android browsers. To ensure you’re able to make use of all aspects of the Career Cruising website, check your browser version and settings. Learn More >

Viewing Sound and Video Clips

As long as you're using one of the supported browsers, no additional plugins are needed. A text transcription of the multimedia clips is also provided.

Links to Other Websites

Various sections of Career Cruising for K-12 contain links to useful external websites that users may want to visit for additional information. When students click on a web link, a new browser window will automatically open up, allowing them to do further research without leaving the Career Cruising website. Please note Career Cruising is not responsible for the content of external links.


Career Cruising for K-12 is fully compliant with Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act and is an accessible website compatible with screen readers. Images on our occupation profiles on the website have been tagged with descriptive text and all career interviews have text alternatives (interview transcripts). The forms and data fields in the program also have descriptive tags to make it easier to enter information, and keyboard accessibility means individuals can tab through  the links. 

Some individuals with disabilities may require accommodations to access the program, including assistance with reading or additional explanations of instructions and activities. For more information on using Career Cruising for K-12 with transition and special needs students, including correlation resources, please see our guide and information about alternative completion settings.

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